Glossary of terms

Here is a list of words or special terms found in the online payment processing industry.
Definition or Meaning
The financial institution that provides a merchant account and the facility to enable a merchant to accept credit cards transactions and settles funds to the Merchant.
The person accessing the website and making a purchase using a credit or debit card which the Merchant is authorised to accept.
Independent Sales Organisation (ISO)
A company that has been accredited by an Acquirer to market and sell card processing services on behalf of a card scheme member in compliance with the card scheme rules.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
These companies and similar organisations provide the telecommunications services that constitute the arteries of the networked economy. Their main role is to provide end users with access to the Internet via a number of methods such as dial up, leased line or mobile. In addition, these companies are providing hosting solutions for both residential and business customers, including the hosting of secure e-commerce websites.
Member Service Provider (MSP)
A company that has been accredited by an Acquirer to provide card processing services. The card scheme member Bank needs to sponsor the MSP and submit the application to the card scheme for approval.
A company or Individual offering products or services for sale.
Payment Service Provider (PSP)
A company that has been accredited by an Acquirer to provide a card processing Payment Gateway to facilitate credit card processing between the merchant and the Acquirer over secure channels. The PSP is responsible to initiate an authorisation request and settlement through the Acquirer on behalf of a Merchant.